Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    Car toll system – to be introduced sooner than might be thought?

    Germany: The surprising rapprochement between the federal government and the EU Commission could soon lead to introduction of a car toll system. In the dispute over the car toll system a breakthrough may have been achieved. “We are moving closer towards each other and I am very optimistic of finding


  • hírek

    Októbertől módosult az EKAER

    Magyarország: Jelentős adminisztratív könnyítés az AEO státusszal rendelkező gazdálkodóknak; A mentességi szabályok pontosítása 2016. október 13-án hatályba lépett a közúti árufuvarozáshoz kapcsolódó ÁFA csalások visszaszorításra érdekében bevezetett Elektronikus Közúti Árufuvarozási Rendszer (a továbbiakban EKAER) legújabb módosítása. A jogalkotó a módosítással egyrészt feloldotta az EKAER-t szabályozó jogszabályok között korábban meghúzódott ellentmondásokat,


  • hírek

    Will the Agricultural Property Agency start compulsory buyout of Polish companies?

    Since May 2016 regulations guaranteeing Polish land in Polish farmers’ hands have been hampering corporate mergers and acquisitions. As of 30 April 2016 the Polish Agricultural Property Agency (Agency) has been equipped with a pre-emptive right to acquire shares and stockholdings in companies that own agricultural real property. Application of the


  • hírek

    Changes to new Labour Code

    Lithuania: new Labour Code changes even before entering into force. The new Lithuanian Labour Code (the “new LC”) due to come into force on 1 January 2017 has already been amended. The Parliament decided to exclude from the new LC so called “zero hours” employment contracts, which had caused much


  • hírek

    Major reform in EU customs law

    Latvia: Latvia is affected by the new EU customs codex as an EU member state. For example, changes concern customs procedures and implement IT. The new EU customs codex, in force since 1 May 2016, thoroughly reforms EU customs law. This is reflected in Latvia, where the Customs Act entered


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat