Johannes Leitmeier
Senior Associate
bnt attorneys in CEE
DE-90491 Nürnberg
DE-90491 Nürnberg
Senior Associate
Ühinguõigus ja M&A, Ühinguõigus, Ühinemine ja jagunemine, Ühisettevõtted, VAIDLUSTE LAHENDAMINE, Rahvusvaheline vahekohus, Kohtuvaidlused
inglise, saksa
University of Bayreuth, Germany
University of Birmingham, UK
Rechtsanwaltskammer Nürnberg
Recht und Wirtschaft in Bayreuth e.V.
31.01.2018 |
New electronic transparency register
New electronic transparency register
09.01.2018 |
Extension of recourse liability in the B2B area
Extension of recourse liability in the B2B area
16.03.2017 |
Significant changes in Construction contract law
Significant changes in Construction contract law
16.11.2016 |
Car toll system – to be introduced sooner than might be thought?
Car toll system – to be introduced sooner than might be thought?
07.09.2016 |
Treatment of shareholders’ loans in the run-up to insolvency
Treatment of shareholders’ loans in the run-up to insolvency
02.11.2015 |
The “Safe Harbour Agreement” is no longer “safe”.
The “Safe Harbour Agreement” is no longer “safe”.
10.07.2015 |
Relaxing minimum wage law – for now just a little
Relaxing minimum wage law – for now just a little
15.05.2015 |
Employee bears language risk by signing employment contract
Employee bears language risk by signing employment contract
09.03.2015 |
Company foundation in Germany with a bank account abroad?
Company foundation in Germany with a bank account abroad?
06.11.2014 |
Social security for managing partners
Social security for managing partners