Știri juridice

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    Belarus reduces situations requiring self-isolation for travellers from abroad

    The Belarusian Ministry of Health has reduced the list of countries arrival from which requires going into self-isolation The Belarusian Ministry of Health has updated the list of countries where COVID-19 infections are reported. The following countries are excluded:• Austria• Belgium• Bulgaria• Hungary•

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    Romania: Indemnizația de șomaj tehnic în contextul Covid-19

    Aspecte problematice de legalitate și interpretare Conform art. 53 din Legea nr. 53/2003 - Codul Muncii, cu modificările si completările ulterioare, varianta republicată („Codul Muncii”), pe

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    Romania: Triajul epidemiologic

    Soluții practice pentru angajatori Prin Ordinul nr. 874/81/2020

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    Hungary: Restrictions on foreign acquisitions

    In In Hungary, the acquisition of strategically important companies by foreign investors is subject to notification until 31 December 2020. The regulation introduced by Government Decree (“Decree”) 227/2020 (V. 25.) ("RegVO") due to the state of emergency applies beyond the duration of thereof and concerns

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    Temporary VAT reduction in Germany – an opportunity for Lithuanian companies

    Lithuanian companies operating in Germany (including distance selling) could benefit from 1 July 2020. On May 28, 2020, the Bundestag (German parliament) passed the so-called “Corona Tax Assistance Act”, which reduces VAT for the supply of food (so-called restaurant sales) for a limited period of one year. On 3 June

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