Business-friendly tax law changes in Hungary

Hungary: Smaller but pragmatic changes show signs of consolidated legislation. A new era of legislation in Hungary?

Smaller but pragmatic changes show signs of consolidated legislation. A new era of legislation in Hungary?


  • Reverse charge already applied to certain cereals has been prolonged for 5 years and extends to real estate construction and assembly work requiring notification of the building authority.
  • VAT rate on pigs and half pigs is down from 27% to 5% and extension of the reduced rate to other foods is expected.
  • For exports, the deadline on shipping from the EU and thus application of VAT exemption is prolonged to 360 days from the often too short 90 days.


 Corporate income tax

  • Among related parties, R&D costs of a party can be used as a tax base decreasing item by any other party in the group. Primarily affected are groups that outsource their R&D activity to a related party.
  • Tax relief of movie and performing arts sponsorship only applies if an additional newly introduced sponsorship is paid. Fortunately, the tax relief can be used within 6 years instead of the original 3 years.


 Excise tax

  • Trade, export and import of lubricant oil and condensed hydrocarbon in quantities over 5 kilograms and sold in bottles requires an excise license. Lubricant oil and hydrocarbon already bought cannot be sold until a license is obtained.


Tax procedure

  • Tax amounts transferred to wrong accounts of the tax authority are to be considered as settled. This is a major deviation from the previous practice when tax amounts were only paid if transferred to the right accounts.
  • Fees for advance tax rulings are increased, deadlines are prolonged and a ruling on tax consequences can only be requested for a single taxable person in one application form. In addition, the previously informal preliminary consultation is regulated and a fee is payable.


Online cash registers

  • Cash registers introduced with an online connection to the tax authority enable electronic data retrieval and reduce abuses, so the tax authority expects.


Stability savings account

  • These new accounts can be opened through banks on payment of at least 5 million forints, from which exclusively forint-denominated government bonds can be bought. The owner of the account enjoys complete anonymity and after 5 years the income from the investment can be taken income tax-exempt.


Source: Act No. CC. of 2013

Tamas Hizsak
Contact in Budapest
Tamas Hizsak
Phone: +36 1 41 33 400

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