Senior Associate
KOMERCTIESĪBAS UN M&A, Uzņēmumu apvienošana un iegāde, NEKUSTAMAIS ĪPAŠUMS, Planning & zoning, land use and building regulations, Nekustamā īpašuma pārvaldīšana un noma, STRĪDU RISINĀŠANA, DARBA TIESĪBAS, Darba strīdi, Intelektuālais īpašums, Komerctiesību darījumi
Angļu, Franču, Rumāņu
Romania: Force Majeure and Hardship – a parallel between the two exceptions to the binding force of the contracts
Romania: Force Majeure and Hardship – a parallel between the two exceptions to the binding force of the contracts
Romania: Force Majeure and Hardship – a parallel between the two exceptions to the binding force of the contracts
Romania: Force Majeure and Hardship – a parallel between the two exceptions to the binding force of the contracts