Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    Remote working will be permanently introduced into the Labour Code

    Poland: The Sejm is working on a project to introduce rules and obligations for employers and employees concerning remote working.


  • hírek

    Hatályba lépett a fizetésképtelenséget megelőző eszköz Magyarországon is

    A 2022 júliusától hatályba lépett szerkezetátalakítási eljárással egy rugalmas mechanizmus keretében oldhatja meg cége pénzügyi gondjait.


  • hírek

    Lithuania: better conditions for employing highly skilled foreigners

    Recent legislative amendments in Lithuania ease recruitment of foreign workers and offer incentives for both employees and employers.


  • hírek

    Belarus: ban on selling shares (stakes) in Belarusian companies by investors

    Belarus imposes ban on selling shares (stakes) in Belarusian company share capitals by foreign investors from unfriendly countries


  • hírek

    Lithuania: Workation within the EU vs. Social Insurance – It gets complex

    While the authorities mostly turned a blind eye during the Corona pandemic and did not check whether employers were adhering to all formal criteria for implementation of remote work, employers rightly fear that this reprieve is gradually coming to an end.


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat