Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    Slovakia: Slovak Commercial Register to be tidied up

    Companies that have neglected compliance can be deleted from the Commercial Register after 1 October 2020 The Ministry of Justice has prepared and submitted to Parliament an amendment to the Commercial Code on corporate law. Major changes are planned for liquidation of companies from 1 July


  • hírek

    Tényleges tulajdonosi információk központi nyilvántartása Magyarországon

    Magyarország: bizonytalan a központi nyilvántartás elindulásnak időpontja Az új magyar pénzmosási törvény (Pmt.) 2017. június 26-án lépett hatályba. A törvény előírja a tényleges tulajdonosi információk központi nyilvántartásának létrehozását. A Pmt. fent hivatkozott előírása révén Magyarország eleget tett a 4. Pénzmosási Irányelv (2015/849/EU irányelv (2015. május 20.)) 30. cikkében foglalt kötelezettségének.


  • hírek

    New Pharmaceuticals Act marks another step towards the digitization of healthcare in the Czech Republic

    Will the introduction of a shared medication record help make the practice of drug prescriptions safer and more transparent? Increasing digitization continues to be a trend in the healthcare sector. Even back in 2007, the Pharmaceuticals Act then in force enabled physicians to issue prescriptions in electronic form. From 2018, electronic


  • hírek

    Estonia: Eurosceptic minister saved by Euronorm

    By a recent ruling of the Estonian Supreme Court, a dispute between the current Estonian Minister of Foreign Trade and IT and her former employer, the Tax and Customs Board was resolved. What is interesting about the story is that the minister, who belongs to a Eurosceptic party, won in


  • hírek

    Straw man buying your debtor

    Economic Crimes in the Slovak Republic Even when you win in court, some debtors do anything to avoid paying. Sometimes a company in debt is sold to a so-called “straw man”. A straw man is a person who provides only their name, officially buys the company


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat