Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    Romania: Epidemiological screening

    Practical solutions for Employers Under Order no. 874/81/2020 on compulsory wearing of a protective mask, on conducting epidemiological screening and compulsory disinfection of the hands in order to prevent contamination with the SARS-CoV-2 virus during the state of alert („The


  • hírek

    Magyarország: Korlátozások külföldiek cégvásárlása esetén

    Stratégiai ágazatban működő társaságok külföldiek általi felvásárlása külön bejelentéshez kötött Magyarországon 2020. december 31-ig. A 2020. május 25. napján megjelent, 227/2020. (V. 25.) Korm. rendelet (Rendelet), melyet a veszélyhelyzetre tekintettel fogadtak el, de mely annak tartamát meghaladó ideig, 2020. december 31-ig marad hatályban, a Kft. és Zrt. formában működő társaságokat


  • hírek

    Temporary VAT reduction in Germany – an opportunity for Lithuanian companies

    Lithuanian companies operating in Germany (including distance selling) could benefit from 1 July 2020. On May 28, 2020, the Bundestag (German parliament) passed the so-called “Corona Tax Assistance Act”, which reduces VAT for the supply of food (so-called restaurant sales) for a limited period of one year. On 3 June


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    Romania: Support measures for employees and employers in force as of June 1, 2020

    Emergency Government Ordinance no. 92 of May 28, 2020 has been published in the Official Gazzette no. 459, of May 29, 2020 (“EGO 92/2020”). The ordinance institutes active support measures for employees and employers in the context of the epidemiologic situation generated by the spread


  • hírek

    Special COVID-19 related provisions modernise company law

    Poland: more opportunities for online and written resolutions, longer deadlines for company reporting obligations Online and written resolutions Regulations introduced in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly expanded the possibility of adopting resolutions online and in writing by management boards, supervisory


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat