Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    A munkavégzés új korszaka – avagy a home office jövője

    A koronavírus okozta helyzet miatt számos cég vezette be a home office, azaz az otthoni munkavégzés lehetőségét. A 2020 márciusában eszközölt járványügyi intézkedések miatt mindennapos gyakorlattá vált az otthoni munkavégzés - divatos nevén a home office - a munkahelyeken. Fogalmát és szabályait azonban a jelenleg hatályos Munka Törvénykönyve (Mt.) nem


  • hírek

    EU mobility package stirs up Latvian transport sector

    The recently adopted EU mobility package imposes new restrictions on road hauliers and carriers On 8 July 2020, the European Parliament adopted a reform of the EU road transport sector – the so-called Mobility Package. This aims to ensure better


  • hírek

    Employment of professional drivers in Germany

    Germany: Provision in the Employment Regulation opens up new possibilities for the employment of drivers from non-EU countries In the course of the Skilled Worker Immigration Act, an opportunity was created in spring 2020 to employ professional drivers from third countries (non-EU states) in Germany. Up to now, this has


  • hírek

    Slovakia: What is in the first government aid package for entrepreneurs?

    The changes are not fundamental but can significantly reduce the administrative burden on entrepreneurs.  The law, which includes more than a hundred amendments and is colloquially known in Slovak as "podnikateľské kilečko", brings various innovations in a number of business areas. Within the framework


  • hírek

    Romania: New provisions on sale of agricultural land outside built-up areas

    Stricter conditions for sale and purchase of agricultural land in Romania Starting 13. October 2020, the conditions under which agricultural land can be purchased in Romania will change significantly. The ranks of preemptors whose right must be


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat