Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    Extra work in the jurisprudence of the Czech Supreme Court

    Czech Republic: Even though extra work is a common occurrence in principal-contractor relationships, and is being performed based on a mutual understanding between the parties, constant jurisprudence not seldom fails to recognize the contractor's claim to payment for such extra work – and even denies them recourse to enforcing payment on


  • hírek

    Tax Flash 2014

    Lithuania: What's new for taxes in 2014 1 January 2014 marks important changes in Lithuanian taxation policy. These are the most relevant: CORPORATE INCOME TAX (CIT): 1 June will be the date for filing CIT declarations plus paying tax due to the state budget. Tax incentives for investment will


  • hírek

    Collective agreements extended

    The amendment to the Collective Bargaining Act was passed despite the President's reservations. Members of parliament approved the amendment in its original wording. The parliament did not accept any of the president's comments, including the suggestion that higher-grade collective agreements only be extended to employers that already have a collective


  • hírek

    The most important changes to the Public Procurement Act

    Czech Republic: An amendment to the Public Procurement Act will come into force on 1 January 2014, after which public contracts in a volume of up to CZK 2 million (for goods and services) or up to CZK 6 million (for construction works) will again qualify as small-scale contracts. The


  • hírek

    Changes to accounting and audit legislation

    Belarus: Introduction of International financial reporting standards (IFRS) Introduction of International financial reporting standards (IFRS) With the new audit Law coming into force it will compulsory to carry out a statutory audit by June 30 of the year following the reporting period. The company must notify the tax


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

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