CORPORATE AND M&A, Corporate, Mergers & Acquisitions, Compliance, INSOLVENCY AND RESTRUCTURING, Legal duties of company bodies and shareholders in crisis, M&A of distressed companies, REAL ESTATE, Commercial, manufacturing and service industry real estate users, Infrastructure, Real estate management & leasing, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, Litigation, Mediation and other ADR, EMPLOYMENT, Business activities and employee deployment abroad, Employment contracts, remuneration and retirement benefits, Data protection, Termination of employment, mass redundancies, Labour disputes, Transfer of employees during M&A transactions, LIFE SCIENCES & PHARMA, Health, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Commercial contracts
English, Polish

Interview for the Witaj Wielkopolsko! regional breakfast programme on TVP (Polish Television), 2019


Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland (M.A. in Law)

Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych w Poznaniu (Poznań Bar Association)