Mergers & Acquisitions, Environmental law, Energy installations and utilities, Project Finance
English, German, Polish

Styczniowe zmiany w przepisach o BDO (tylko trochę) pozwolą odetchnąć, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 2020

Na razie obrót kopciuchami bez kar, a commentary for Rzeczpospolita 2020

Rząd wzmacnia fotowoltaikę wszelkimi sposobami. Ale i tak za późno, a commentary for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 2019

Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć planując inwestycję w farmę fotowoltaiczną, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 2018

Prawo do odnawialnej energii, FUTU 3-4/2015

Energetyka wiatrowa w Polsce. Wind energy in Poland, PAIiIZ 2014


Saarland Univeristy, Germany (Student Exchange Programme)

Univeristy of Warsaw, Poland (M.A. in Law)

The LEGAL 500: Energy and Natural Resources

We highly recommend Dominik Sołtysiak because of his expertise and market knowledge, his diligent and client-oriented approach and not least because of his language skills. It makes life easier for us if we can communicate in German, and that working results can be delivered in German, English or Polish. (2022)


Dominik Sołtysiak is good at renewable energy projects on farmland properties. (2022)


Dominik Sołtysiak, who is an expert in renewable energy, oil and waste management, heads the team. A popular choice with foreign and domestic investors, the group regularly advises on the acquisition, development and financing of wind farm and photovoltaics projects. (2021)


VONTOBEL award for the best M.A. thesis at the Faculty of Law at the University of Warsaw (2002)

Izba Adwokacka w Warszawie (Warsaw Bar Association)