Știri juridice

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    Utilitatea certificatului de situație de urgență pentru obținerea anumitor facilități la plata chiriei

    Având în vedere numeroasele acte legislative emise în contextul stării de urgență, un aspect juridic important care pune în dificultate operatorii economici este reprezentat de utilitatea certificatului de situație de urgență („CSU”) în vederea obținerii anumitor facilități economice cu privire la plata chiriei imobilelor închiriate.

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    Rules for Czech cross-border commuters during the coronavirus pandemic

    The Czech Republic’s tagline during its EU presidency at the beginning of 2009 was: "Europe Without barriers". How the times have changed... The crisis triggered by the coronavirus resulted in the successful reactivation of expertise as to how to close the country’s borders shut, gained over the decades by senior

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    A more appealing form of debt acknowledgement, thanks to our victorious complaint to the Czech Constitutional Court

    Under the old Civil Code, the acknowledgement of debt was a frightfully formalistic institution. However, we successfully argued for the autonomy of the parties’ will before the Constitutional Court in the face of established practice.  Acknowledgements of debt which came into existence when the old Civil Code (Act No. 40/1964

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    Romania: Force majeure overview in the Covid-19 context

    Under the old Civil Code, the acknowledgement of debt was a frightfully formalistic institution. However, we successfully argued for the autonomy of the parties’ will before the Constitutional Court in the face of established practice.  Acknowledgements of debt which came into existence when the old Civil Code (Act No. 40/1964

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    Travel restrictions in Belarus against COVID-19

    The Government of Belarus has introduced restrictive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus has adopted Regulation No. 171 “On measures to prevent the import and spread of infection caused by coronavirus COVID-19”. Under the Regulation

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