Știri juridice

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    CEE: Business models innovation and legal challenges

    Post pandemic business difficulties in Central and Eastern Europe will require business to change or update their business models. This will trigger new challenges and business will face new legal issues.  During the pandemic, businesses faced lockdowns and reduction of business operations. At the same time,

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    Support for exporting companies in Latvia

    As of 5 August 2020, exporting companies have the possibility to apply for a state support programme designed to overcome the consequences of the crisis caused by Covid-19 and to promote employment. Funding of support is administered by the Latvian Investment

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    Romania: Noile bariere în vânzarea-cumpărarea terenurilor agricole situate în extravilan

    Prezentul articol își propune să ofere analiza principalelor modificări aduse legii nr.17/2014. În Monitorul Oficial nr. 741 din data de 14 august 2020 s-a publicat Legea nr. 175/2020 pentru modificarea și completarea Legii nr. 17/2014 privind unele măsuri de

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    Amendment of COVID19 travel restrictions in Lithuania

    On 17 August 2020, the Lithuanian government adapted the entry regulations to the changed COVID19 situation. From now on, nationals of all states of the European Economic Area, the Swiss Confederation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain

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    Slovakia: Hague Service Convention

    Service of process is the procedure by which a party to a lawsuit gives appropriate notice of initial legal action to another party, for example a defendant. This is true for some jurisdictions but does not work in Slovakia. In Slovakia, notice of initial legal action, e.g. the

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