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    Slovakia: What is in the first government aid package for entrepreneurs?

    The changes are not fundamental but can significantly reduce the administrative burden on entrepreneurs.  The law, which includes more than a hundred amendments and is colloquially known in Slovak as "podnikateľské kilečko", brings various innovations in a number of business areas. Within the framework

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    Romania: Noi prevederi în domeniul vânzării terenurilor agricole din extravilan

    Condiții mai stricte în ceea ce privește vânzarea și cumpărarea terenurilor agricole în România

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    EU mobility package: Lithuania takes case to the ECJ ‒ others may join

    The so-called mobility package, a comprehensive reform of the EU road transport sector, has met with considerable resistance. The package will enter into force in stages between 2020 and 2025 and comprises a wide range of measures. The first EU mobility package consists of: a regulation on access

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    The battle for the recognition of European Certificate of Succession (ECS) in the Czech Republic continues successfully.

    Once again European Certificate of Succession (ECS) in the Czech Republic: registration based on a German notarial record and acquisition in good faith based on an ECS are possible. With this article we follow up on the outlook of the article from January 2020, in which we reported on the

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    Establishing companies online in Czechia – another step towards full digital governance

    The EU Digitalisation Directive makes it possible to create a company (and pay up the company’s capital stock) remotely from anywhere, even one’s garden or cottage, as long as the founder has internet access. On 31 July 2019 the Digitalisation Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1151 of 20 June 2019) came

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