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    România: Zile libere acordate unuia dintre părinți pentru supravegherea copiilor pe perioada limitării sau suspendării activităților didactice ca urmare a răspândirii coronavirusului SARS-COV-2

    Prin Ordonanța de urgență nr. 147/2020 privind acordarea unor zile libere pentru părinţi în vederea supravegherii copiilor, în

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    Czech Supreme Court puts another spoke in the wheel of landlords – why does it refuse to recognize voluntary agreements between two parties?

    According to the Czech Supreme Court, it is not possible to enforce a notarial deed by evicting tenants from rental property. This does nothing to strengthen the legal certainty of contractual parties or to improve the functioning of the real estate market. Landlords know all too well how troublesome delinquent

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    New chapter in the way we work – the future of the home office

    Due to the situation caused by the coronavirus many companies have introduced the home office to enable working from home. Because of the epidemiological situation, in March 2020 working from home – the home office – became daily routine in the workplace. However, its terms and rules are not regulated

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    EU mobility package stirs up Latvian transport sector

    The recently adopted EU mobility package imposes new restrictions on road hauliers and carriers On 8 July 2020, the European Parliament adopted a reform of the EU road transport sector – the so-called Mobility Package. This aims to ensure better

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    Employment of professional drivers in Germany

    Germany: Provision in the Employment Regulation opens up new possibilities for the employment of drivers from non-EU countries In the course of the Skilled Worker Immigration Act, an opportunity was created in spring 2020 to employ professional drivers from third countries (non-EU states) in Germany. Up to now, this has

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