Știri juridice

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    Even a simple suspension of proceedings may turn into a legal battle in the Czech Republic

    A lawsuit by a tenant is pending against you, who defends themselves by saying the termination of their lease was unlawful. In your counterclaim, should you seek payment of outstanding rent or the surrender of unjust enrichment? Even a layperson may come up with the correct answer: “let’s wait and

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    Minimum wage in the Czech Republic to be raised again in 2021

    The minimum wage for 2021 is set at CZK 15,200 – i.e., CZK 600 more than the year before. The minimum hourly wage will rise to CZK 90.50. The increase of the minimum wage goes hand in hand with the lowest level of what is known as the guaranteed wage

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    Belarus temporarily cancels some benefits under HTP and “Great Stone” Industrial Park regimes

    The income tax rate is increased for employees of company residents of the High Technologies Park and “Great Stone” Industrial Park From 1 January 2021 the rate of income tax on income under employment contracts with residents of the High Technologies Park and residents of

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    România: Ample modificări ale legislației fiscale din România

    Modificări ale Codului Fiscal și ale Codului de Procedură fiscală prin două legi organice Atât Codul Fiscal, cât şi Codul de Procedură Fiscală au avut parte de modificări ample prin intrarea în vigoare a două legi organice. Cea

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    New opportunities for investments in large-scale projects in Lithuania

    A new package of measures for promoting large-scale investment projects has entered into force in Lithuania. On the 1st of January 2021 legislative amendments entered into effect in Lithuania, creating more favourable conditions for local and foreign capital investments in large-scale projects in manufacturing, data processing and data hosting services.

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