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    Revamped rules for crowdfunding in the Czech Republic

    On 10 November 2021, new rules for crowdfunding will come into force. However, these rules will not affect consumer financing (as represented e.g. by the zonky.cz project: people lending to people), but strictly to entrepreneurs and SMEs and loans in amounts of up to EUR 5 million. On 10 November

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    România: Clarificări referitoare la vânzarea terenurilor agricole situate în extravilan

    Clarificări referitoare la vânzarea terenurilor agricole situate în extravilan din perspectiva Normelor metodologice privind aplicarea titlului I din Legea nr. 17/2014 privind unele măsuri de reglementare a vânzării terenurilor agricole situate în extravilan

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    European Unitary Patent – the dream will (not yet) come true

    The implementation of the European Unitary Patent, which, according to the EU Commission, should reduce the costs of inventors for filing a patent by up to EUR 32,000, has been delayed again due to two new constitutional complaints filed with the German Federal Constitutional Court. The court has subsequently asked

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    Slovakia: New reason for termination in Slovak labor law

    The wording of an amendment to the Labour Code surprised the business community as well as lawyers. The reason for termination that had been discussed for years, which was supposed to go hand in hand with an employee reaching retirement

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    Apostilles have been discontinued in the entire EU for two years according to Regulation (EU) 2016/1191

    Since Regulation (EU) 2016 / 1191 came into force exactly two years ago (see our article: “(Partial) abolition of the apostille requirement”), on February 16, 2019, many official documents no longer require apostilles or official translations. The experience made with the new set of rules is overall positive. However, there

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