Știri juridice

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    Right to vote in the 2021 elections for expatriate Germans and Czechs

    Citizens of Germany and of the Czech Republic who do not reside in their respective countries of birth may still cast their vote at the Bundestag election on 26 September 2021 or the elections to the House of Deputies of Czech Parliament on 5/6 October 2021. Citizens of Germany

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    România: Noi modificări legislative în materia relațiilor de muncă

    Noi acte normative ce au ca obiectiv principal flexibilizarea și adaptarea relațiilor de muncă la realitatea social-economică actuală. În data de 06 Mai 2021 au intrat în vigoare două noi ordonanțe de urgență, respectiv (i) OUG 36/2021 și (ii) OUG 37/2021.

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    Slovak Republic – sale of critical infrastructure companies

    Just don't be surprised that after 1 March 2021 you need Slovak Government approval to sell your company As of 1 March 2021, Slovakia has joined the growing number of countries that require consent for the sale of a business, whether in the form of a share deal

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    Clear rules for lobbying in Estonia

    New State Employee Lobbying Guidelines Lobbying and active participation by interest groups are part of democratic decision-making. Lobbying is direct or indirect, structured and organized activity by a lobbyist with public officials, policy makers or their representatives to

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    Changes to rules on relocation of workers to Lithuania

    The amendments aim at facilitating relocation of employees of foreign companies to Lithuania. The Ministry of Economy and Innovation has registered with the Lithuanian parliament draft amendments to the laws on (a) Investment, (b) Employment and (c) Legal Status of Aliens. The amendments would create special business and investment conditions

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  • Abonare la știri

    Prin tastarea 'Abonare' sunteți de acord cu condițiile noastre de prelucrare a datelor personale