Știri juridice

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    Implementation of the EU-restructuring directive in Lithuania

    New amendments to the Law on Insolvency of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania strengthen the restructuring possibilities for the businesses with financial difficulties. New amendments to the Law on Insolvency of the Legal

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    New rental law in Latvia to renew the relationship between tenants and landlords

    The new Residential Rent Law aims at ensuring a fair balance between the interests of tenants and landlords. The new law replaces the previous law adopted in 1993 and sets new

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    România: Noi modificări legislative în materia relațiilor de muncă

    Prin recente acte normative, au fost adoptate o serie de modificări vizând relațiile de muncă, printre care menționăm următoarele:

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    Income tax in the case of cross-border posting of workers

    Germany: In the case of a posting abroad, the first place of work is usually at the host company. In no less than three recent decisions, the Federal Fiscal Court (Bundesfinanzhof, BFH) ruled that the so-called "first place of employment", which

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    Acquisition in Slovak Real Estate Law – NEW RULES!

    Acquisition by prescription can be a practical means of acquiring the right of ownership or other rights, such as a right of way. However, the new rules are intended to avoid possible fraud in the process of acquisitive prescription. Before every major real estate purchase, the investor checks whether the

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