Știri juridice

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    ROMANIA: Noutăți legislative în materia relațiilor de muncă

    Modificarea Codului Muncii. Noi măsuri în contextul Covid-19

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    Supreme Court of Lithuania rules on indirect discrimination at work

    The Lithuanian Supreme Court has ruled on indirect discrimination against unionized workers.

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    Establishing a central register of ultimate beneficial owners in Hungary

    Hungary: a central register of ultimate beneficial owners is established The 4th Money Laundering Directive (Directive 2015/849/EU of 20 May 2015) required EU Member States to establish a central register of ultimate beneficial ownership information (the "Register"). As we wrote in our previous newsletter, Hungary has fulfilled

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    Ultimate beneficiaries: the register in Lithuania is not functioning, but banks are demanding information

    Though the UBO register is in practice not functioning in Lithuania, companies are still obliged to collect their UBO data. Failure to do so may cause negative consequences. Lithuania formally implemented the requirements of EU Directive 2015/849 on the register of beneficial owners of legal persons (UBOs) as early

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    Court decision protects phone data from police access

    The state may not use telecoms data to the same extent as before to solve crimes Estonia’s Supreme Court has found that the rules currently in force in Estonia on storage and use of telephone data by telecommunications companies violate

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  • Abonare la știri

    Prin tastarea 'Abonare' sunteți de acord cu condițiile noastre de prelucrare a datelor personale