Știri juridice

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    România: România încurajează dezvoltarea proiectelor de energie regenerabilă

    Modificări ale legislației românești care impactează în mod pozitiv dezvoltarea proiectelor de energie regenerabilă

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    Belarus: ban on selling shares (stakes) in Belarusian companies by investors

    Belarus imposes ban on selling shares (stakes) in Belarusian company share capitals by foreign investors from unfriendly countries

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    Lithuania: Workation within the EU vs. Social Insurance – It gets complex

    While the authorities mostly turned a blind eye during the Corona pandemic and did not check whether employers were adhering to all formal criteria for implementation of remote work, employers rightly fear that this reprieve is gradually coming to an end.

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    German Transparency Register – transition period expires at the end of June

    Companies operating in Germany must register by 30 June 2022

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    Webinar: Force majeure clauses in a nutshell

    Poland: bnt attorneys in CEE will host a webinar on the possibilities of changing prices and other contractual terms, based on force majeure clauses.

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