Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    We believe the future is digital

    Pay for legal services in cryptocurrency bnt attorneys in CEE Bratislava proudly announce that from now on we accept cryptocurrency. Our clients can choose to pay for ALL LEGAL SERVICES in Bitcoin (BTC). Unlike traditional methods of paying, Bitcoin can make transactions quick and


  • hírek

    GDPR adjustment law in the Czech Republic

    A government bill for a so-called adjustment law, governing and supplementing certain individual data protection issues in connection with GDPR, has passed third reading in the House of Deputies. On 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force, which, in spite of being for the most


  • hírek

    Be prepared! New Czech social security rules for the self-employed as of 1 January 2019

    As of the new year, self-employed persons face changes concerning social security in the Czech Republic – i.e., in particular, the contributions paid for old-age pension, sick-leave, and health insurance. As of the beginning of the new year, self-employed individuals face changes in the realm of social insurance. The biggest of these changes


  • hírek

    Are we about to witness yet another amendment to the Insolvency Act?

    Talks have been held on the European level for quite some time over the proposal for an EU directive which, if passed, would necessitate another – rather far-reaching – amendment to the domestic Insolvency Act. The said proposal lays out a framework for preventive restructuring, debt relief for entrepreneurs, and


  • hírek

    First signs of a coalition fighting for a European Certificate of Succession that has actual use value

    May we dare to hope for improved cooperation with the administrative authorities, and thus for tangible results as far as the ECS is concerned? It's a nice New Year's wish at least... In several recent articles written by our colleague Dr. iur. Stephan Heidenhain has pointed out the various issues


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat