Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    The business secret vs. a new database with unit prices for medicinal products

    The Czech Ministry of Health, working in tandem with the AIFP (Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry), has created a database with unit prices for drug supplies to hospitals under the direct management of the ministry. What are the consequences for drug suppliers? In recent times, the health ministry has stressed


  • hírek

    Is a business share part of the marital property?

    Does it belong to both spouses? Upon entering marriage, a so-called marital property (or joint property) is created between the spouses, unless they agree otherwise. Movable and immovable property, rights or other assets belong to both spouses. However, some property is not subject to the community


  • hírek

    Registration of foreigners via the Internet now possible in Belarus

    Foreign citizens arriving for over five days can now register via the unified e-services portal From January 2019 remote e-registration for foreign citizens and stateless persons is operating in Belarus.Previously, registration of foreign citizens was only by personal application to departments of citizenship and migration of internal affairs bodies


  • hírek

    Big changes in tax regulations

    Poland: A new chapter in the government’s tax offensive. Significant modifications to key regulations aim to further optimize the tax system. As part of the ongoing campaign aimed at optimising the tax system and increasing tax revenues, the Polish legislator is introducing a new bundle of systemic solutions. By the


  • hírek

    New regulation mandating health insurance coverage for medical aids in the Czech Republic – mark the dates and deadlines

    As of 1 January 2019, an amendment to the Public Health Insurance Act has come into force which brings substantial changes in the realm of insurance coverage for medical aids. How to prepare properly? Much ink has been spilled over the new concept for the reimbursement of medical aids by


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat