Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    VAT and property letting in the Czech Republic – the leeway for tax optimization is getting smaller

    Landlords are affected by a fundamental change in how to apply VAT, effective as of 1 January 2021. In accordance with the EU directive on the common system of value added tax, the Czech VAT Act ranks the lease of residential properties among tax-exempt performances with no claim for input


  • hírek

    Lithuania: Chamber of Insolvency Administrators established

    From 1 January 2020 bankruptcy and restructuring administrators (insolvency administrators) will have their own self-governing body. On 13 September 2019 the inaugural meeting of the Chamber of Insolvency Administrators (the Chamber) took place, during which the Association of Insolvency Administrators was established, the governing bodies of the Chamber (members and chair of the Presidium)


  • hírek

    In corporate transformations, should one differentiate between time limits and time periods?

    In the Czech Republic, draft terms of transformations must be lodged in the collection of deeds, and disclosure and notification duties must be discharged, at least one month before approving a transformation. What if the end of this period falls on a weekend? Sec. 33 of the Czech Act on


  • hírek

    Online communication with the finance office becomes a reality in the Czech Republic

    "MOJE daně" (MY taxes) – a new project by the Czech finance ministry designed to facilitate the communication with the financial authorities. The government passed a bill for amendment of the General Fiscal Code which, if written into law, should lead to a substantive modernization, simplification, and digitalization of tax


  • hírek

    The fight for European Certificates of Succession continues in Olomouc and Luxembourg

    The matter of a European Certificate of Succession issued in Germany has not yet been resolved and, unfortunately, the Czech Land Registry is still reluctant to comply with this certificate. One case has now reached the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg. The European Certificate of Succession (ECS),


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat