Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    Benefits and drawbacks of the 2020 amendment to the Czech General Fiscal Code

    What’s new in the amendment to the Czech General Fiscal Code? More straightforward review procedures, lower default interest, electronic communication with the taxman, among others. The bill for an amendment of the General Fiscal Code, sponsored by the finance ministry, has reached the stage of second reading in the Chamber


  • hírek

    Czech pre-Christmas news from the world of class actions

    As Christmas is nearing, the topic of class actions and joint proceedings has become a matter of debate both on the national and the European level. You may remember from the May issue of our journal that the Czech lawmaker has been busy preparing a comprehensive set of rules for


  • hírek

    A quick refresher on the tax treatment of capital improvements according to the Czech Tax Act (Part II)

    In the December continuation of our article, we will show you the basic principles governing capital improvements of intangible assets and leased property. Capital improvements of intangible assets The Income Tax Act has the following to say in its definition of capital improvements of intangible assets: A capital improvement of


  • hírek

    May an injury on the ski slopes during a company outing, or on the dance floor at the corporate Christmas party, qualify as work accident according to Czech labour law?

    December – the month of Christmas, and of X-mas parties, but also the beginning of the skiing season. Let’s examine more closely what view the law and the courts take of injuries sustained by staff at these events organized by the employer – are they a "private problem" of the given employee,


  • hírek

    New Czech prescription decree

    As an early Christmas gift, the ministry of health has given us a new decree on the prescription of drugs, set to come into force as of 1 January. Even in these hectic days, marked by Christmas shopping and the common cold, the health ministry managed to stayed on course


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat