Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    Czech Republic: Emergency events – implications for contract performance

    Wars, natural disasters, diseases, economic crises… common risks accompanying human life and business over centuries. The law reflects and reacts to what is happening in our society. That is why the law (already Roman law) developed certain rules governing the occurrence, consequences and economic burden (i.e. who will pay the


  • hírek

    To file, or not to file, that is the question

    The obligation to file financial statements in the collection of documents in the Czech Republic does not lapse with the passage of time. The court may ask a company to add financial statements of as early as 1996 and impose a fine if the company fails to do so. Financial


  • hírek

    Special fleet card regulations adopted for the first time in Belarus.

    New Presidential Edict No. 40 of 06.02.2020 “On fleet cards” comes into legal force from 9 August 2020.   The new Edict regulates various aspects of issue and use of fleet cards, as well as legally defining the term “fleet card” as a plastic card and (or) a virtual electronic


  • hírek

    New organization or disorganization of civil proceedings?

    Poland: Changes introduced by the Act of 4.07.2019 amending the Act – Code of Civil Procedure and certain other acts. An amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure dated 4 July 2019 introduced a new chapter titled "Organization of the proceedings", which is intended to shorten the court proceedings and make


  • hírek

    Proposed stricter Act on Czech Citizenship – increased demand on foreigners to prove their clean criminal record

    In September 2019, simplified conditions were introduced for emigrants and their descendants to acquire Czech citizenship by naturalization (amendment 207/2019 Coll.). Another amendment to the Act on Citizenship (Act No. 186/2013 Coll., hereinafter referred to as the “Act” and the „Amendment“ respectivelly) is, however, now subject to discussion in the


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat