Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    On the status of the Lithuanian UBO register – companies already have obligations

    A functioning transparency register is still not yet operational. An overview of what should nevertheless already be done. Following implementation of EU Directive No. 2017/1371, since 1 January 2019 every legal entity established in Lithuania must “acquire, update and store” information about its UBO(s). It was actually planned that these


  • hírek

    Lithuania: business support – suspension of duty to file for insolvency

    COVID-19 impact mitigation: temporary suspension of managers’ duty to file for insolvency and other protective measures. Managers must immediately initiate insolvency proceedings if their company is insolvent. Under Lithuanian law, a company is insolvent, for example, if it cannot meet its obligations when they fall due for instance, if it


  • hírek

    Slovakia: Temporary protection for entrepreneurs

    Entrepreneurs in financial difficulties will be able to ask the court for temporary protection from creditors.  The law provides aid to entrepreneurs with the status of an "entrepreneur under temporary protection". The aid comprises the following: - interruption of the proceedings regarding the creditor's


  • hírek

    Supreme Court of the Czech Republic: Resignation of board members of corporations at an inopportune time

    Towards the end of 2019, the Czech Supreme Court took position on an issue which has become very topical in the context of the current Covid-19 pandemic. What are the consequences of the resignation of a board member at an inopportunity moment in time? As we’re penning this article, the


  • hírek

    Slovakia: State aid for employers during the state of emergency

    Details of the adopted measure No. 3 to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on employers in Slovakia Only recently, new details on the conditions of state aid for employers whose turnover has fallen as a result of the state of emergency have been published. The current


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat