Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    Safety requirements when parking loaded trucks in Germany

    Germany: Contractual regulations on where loaded vehicles may be parked are permissible The clause in the General Terms and Conditions of a consignor according to which loaded vehicles must be parked under surveillance or where sufficient security is guaranteed does not impose any duty of care on the carrier


  • hírek

    Estonia: essential amendments of bankruptcy law

    Bankruptcy proceedings more efficient in the new year On 1 February 2021, the Bankruptcy Act Amendment Act entered into force. The amendment seeks to ensure faster, more cost-effective and transparent bankruptcy proceedings and higher payments to creditors.  


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    Növekvő tendencia a GDPR-bírságok terén Magyarországon

    Szigorít a magyar hatóság, egyre gyakoribbak a magasabb összegű GDPR-bírságok Az Európai Parlament és a Tanács általános adatvédelmi rendelete, közismert nevén a GDPR hatályba lépésével új korszak köszöntött be az európai adatvédelem terén. Az azóta eltelt több, mint 2 és fél év úgy tűnik, elegendő volt a nemzeti hatóságoknak a


  • hírek

    Lithuania: Migration procedures now faster and easier

    New rules for residence permits and employment of foreigners came into force on 1 March 2021. Since 1 March 2021, foreigners applying for a temporary residence permit only have to submit a written declaration of residence. An official commitment by the owner of the property to be rented to provide


  • hírek

    Romania: New fiscal facilities for employees and employers

    Employers can grant money to their employees for teleworking and for the education of their children under seven years Starting from 2021, Romanian employers can grant money to employees for the expenses necessary to carry out


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat