Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    Újabb szektorális különadó a magyar piacon – a reklámadó

    Magyarország: A médiapiacot sújtó adó elfogadása után középpontba kerültek a kiskapuk, amelyeket a jogalkotó szaporán igyekszik bezárni a jogszabály hatálybalépése előtt. A jogalkotás nemrégiben elfogadta a reklámadóról szóló törvényt, amely a reklámok közzétételére vonatkozó specifikus adóval sújtja a magyar piacgazdaság médiaszektorát. Az adó alanya Az érintett piaci szereplők


  • hírek

    News ways of enforcing a lien

    Czech Republic: Pledgee and pledger can now agree in writing on how to enforce a lien A lien is currently the most common means of securing loans. Its economic purpose lies in the option of converting a pledge into cash, thereby achieving the agreed performance if the borrower fails to


  • hírek

    The Euro is coming! Are you ready?

    Lithuania: From 1 January 2015 the euro will be the official currency in Lithuania. Have you already taken all the necessary precautions? Have you already taken all the necessary precautions? No? Then we would like present you a small checklist that covers some important formalities which come along with Euro


  • hírek

    Occupational health service, once again…

    Amendment to public health act introduces new duties; employers to survey employee health. The act on protection, support and development of public health was finally amended on 25 June 2014. This should ensure health surveillance for all employees, regardless of their arrangement into risk categories. The amendment obliges employers to


  • hírek

    As of 1 July the new Economic Activities Code Act is in force in Estonia

    Estonia: Freedom of economic activity regulated by law for the first time.  On 1 July 2014 the General Part of the Economic Activities Code Act („the Act") entered into force in Estonia. Freedom of economic activity in Estonia – i.e. the freedom to start, operate and terminate economic activity in any


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat