Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    Product inventory and its valuation in 2016

    Czech Republic: An amendment to the Accounting Act provides new rules for the valuation of product inventory The major amendment to the Accounting Act which implements Directive 2013/34/EU into Czech law among other things touches upon the valuation of production inventories. Under the previous regime, companies had a choice: either


  • hírek

    Relations between Belarus and investors are newly regulated

    Belarus: Significant changes concerning investor activity in Belarus are introduced by Presidential Decree no 8 of 13 November 2015. The new regulation affects projects carried out on the basis of an investment contract with the Republic of Belarus. In the future, these contracts will be concluded only when an investment


  • hírek

    Új polgári perrendtartás a láthatáron

    Magyarország: Korszerű, hatékony és a peres eljárások gyors lezárását biztosító polgári perrendtartási jogszabály kidolgozása van folyamatban A hatályos polgári perrendtartás jelentősége a számok szintjén Magyarországon évente több mint 200 000 új polgári peres eljárás indul. Ha ehhez hozzávesszük a folyamatban lévő és a perorvoslati szakban járó ügyeket, akkor közel 300


  • hírek

    Modifications to public procurement contracts

    Latvia: Recent changes in the Public Procurement Law set a clear framework for possibilities to amend procurement contracts after completion of the tender procedure So far the contracting authorities were very limited in the scope of modifications. This meant they were often unable to ensure economically more successful implementation of


  • hírek

    Misselling – new regulations

    Poland: New regulations on practices violating collective consumer interests involving financial products On 17 April 2016 changes to competition and consumer protection law come into force. The new regulations prohibit practices violating collective consumer interests, labelled “misselling". This term refers to proposing to consumers the purchase of financial services which do not


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat