Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    Safe Harbor Decision is dead

    Czech Republic: A landmark decision by the European Court of Justice spells the end for the unrestricted transfer of personal data to the U.S. on the basis of the Safe Harbor program Within the context of the Safe Harbor regime which was created in 2000 by an EC decision, it


  • hírek

    Frivolous insolvency motions recognized as criminal offense

    Czech Republic: A frivolous insolvency motion may not only give rise to the obligation to pay damages – it may also trigger criminal liability A case heard by the Czech Supreme Court under ref. No. 8 Tdo 1352/2014 concerned a motion for the initiation of insolvency proceedings which was aimed


  • hírek

    Estonian Air files for bankruptcy after EU Commission decision

    Estonia: The European Commission concludes that State aid by Estonia to Estonian Air breaches EU state aid rules. On 7 November 2015 Estonian Air announced that it is filing for bankruptcy because it does not have the necessary funds to repay funding from the Estonian government. The European Commission started investigating


  • hírek

    Reporting tax-exempt income of natural persons

    Czech Republic: Taxpayers of personal income tax are faced with a new reporting duty towards the authorities A natural person who attains income during a given tax assessment period which is exempt from personal income tax and exceeds CZK 5 000 000, must notify the tax administration hereof by the


  • hírek

    A step forward in the fight against shell corporations in public procurement

    News in the public procurement law - Register of final beneficiaries of subjects. An amendment to the public procurement law (the Law), effective as of 01 November 2015, abolishes Section 26a of the Law on public procurement, i. e. the obligation to establish an assets and liabilities structure, and replaces it with


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat