Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    EU enables creditors

    Lithuania: New EU regulation in force from 18 January: creditors may apply for a preservation order on a debtor’s bank accounts within the EU. On 18 January 2017 EU Regulation No. 655/2014 came into force, establishing a new uniform European procedure for preserving (blocking) bank accounts, allowing creditors to preserve


  • hírek

    Resurrection of Personal Insolvencies in Slovakia?

    Necessity of an amendment regarding personal insolvencies   In November 2016, the Slovak Parliament passed an amendment to the Act on Insolvency and Restructuring (“IARA”). One of its major aims is to address defects in the law of personal insolvencies, which are a


  • hírek

    Centralized Records of Bank Accounts – Effective Protection and Stringent Oversight?

    Czech Republic: Central registry of bank accounts to help law enforcement and mitigate the risk of sensitive information leaks On 6 October 2016, Act No. 300/2016 Coll., on a Central Bank Accounts Registry, came into force, as a piece of legislation which had been recommended by the European Commission in


  • hírek

    Civil Code Abandons Special Manner of Representation in Labor-Law Relations

    Czech Republic: Amendment abolishes the requirement for legal entities with a collective statutory body to act in a special manner towards their employees The provision of Sec. 164 (3) of the Civil Code, which will remain in force until 27 February this year, requires that legal entities which have a


  • hírek

    List of Qualified Suppliers

    Czech Republic: Update of the qualified suppliers list; optional entry of regular subcontractors As in previous years, companies are required to update their entry in the list of qualified suppliers by 31 March, through the Ministry for Regional Development. However, this year, the process will for the first time ever


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat