Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    Amendment to ICC Arbitration Rules

    The Paris-based International Court of Arbitration enables expedited procedure A new version of the Arbitration Rules came into force on 1 March. These include an expedited procedure for cases with a dispute value of up to two million US dollars. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), a leading organization


  • hírek

    Trusts – the Legal Rules and their Application in Practice

    Czech Republic: Trusts in the light of the amendment to the Civil Code, and their broad range of possible applications A trust is a special form of fiduciary asset management, incorporated in Czech law as a new institution by the new Civil Code and effective as of 1 January 2014.


  • hírek

    Change of Employer by Force of Law

    Czech Republic: The termination of a commercial lease may under certain conditions trigger the transfer of rights and obligations associated with an employment relationship In terms of legislation, the passage of rights and obligations from employment relationships is no novel concept, but its real-life occurrence and consequences often lead to


  • hírek

    Appreciation of Rental Property by Way of Technical Improvements, under Amended Tax Regulations

    Czech Republic: In the future, economic beneficiaries will be allowed to depreciate the value created by technical improvements in their own accounting. An upcoming amendment to the Income Tax Act, scheduled to come into force as of 1 April 2017, will allow so-called economic beneficiaries to write off value-enhancing technical


  • hírek

    What’s New in the Amended Payment Transactions Act

    Czech Republic: An amendment to the Act on Payment Transactions brings new benefits for consumers and broadens the range of obligations on the part of payment service providers On 1 March 2017, an amendment to the Payment Transactions Act has come into force which implements requirements of European law regarding


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat