Aktuális jogi híreink

  • hírek

    Corporate veil pierced in Slovakia

    Creditors will be able to enforce their claims directly against controlling shareholders. One of the main reasons businessmen conduct their business through companies is to transfer the risk from themselves to the company. In other words, creditor claims against a company can only be satisfied from company assets, whereas the


  • hírek

    Review of resolutions of the general meeting for defects

    The validity check of resolutions of the general meeting in register proceedings, and the consequences of a missing notarial record in those cases in which the law requires certification of the GM resolution. Pursuant to the (since repealed) Commercial Code, courts had the power to review the validity of resolutions


  • hírek

    English an Official Court Language

    From 2018 hearings can be held in English before a special Chamber for Commercial Matters at the Frankfurt/Main District Court. “The language of the court shall be German” states § 184 of the Courts Constitution Act (GVG). But international trade and business negotiations and contracts are in every


  • hírek

    Amendment to the Building Act – joint procedure replaces up to three separate procedures as of January

    An eagerly awaited amendment to the Building Act which primarily seeks to simplify and expedite permission proceedings is set to come into force on 1 January 2018. What are the real-life ramifications as of the new year? Among other things, the amendment to the Building Act introduces an unprecedented legal


  • hírek

    Business Law moves ahead.

    Discussions are ongoing about judicial reform in Poland. But what is actually happening in terms of commercial legislation?   So far, the legislator has been rather conservative in terms of legislative changes for the economy. However, traders and entrepreneurs are irritated by the fact that changes have often been


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat