Aktuális jogi híreink

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    Launch of Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) medicines registration procedure

    EAEU-level registration opens new possibilities in the single market for medicines. The first applications have been filed for registration of medicines under the Agreement on unified principles and rules for circulation of medicines within the Eurasian Economic Union (“Agreement”) of 23 December 2014 and the Rules for registration and expertise


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    A GDPR nem egy időzített bomba

    Májusban hatályba lép az EU új adatvédelmi rendelete. Hatalmas fennforgást okoz az üzleti világban a május 25-én hatályba lépő európai Általános Adatvédelmi Rendelet (GDPR). Egyre több helyen olvasható, hogy a GDPR hatálybalépésével, gigabírságokkal csap majd le a hatóság a vállalatokra. Ugyanakkor a GDPR nem egy időzített bomba, hanem egy


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    Incoming goods inspection ‒ admissible type and scope

    The type and scope of an incoming goods inspection must not involve requirements that are too high and too general. Many sellers


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    Notarial certification without a notary?

    The Notarization Act and related Acts are to be amended in order to add a new ‒ remote ‒ form of notarial certification. It is no secret that Estonia is well known for her innovative solutions. Several projects have been launched in recent years creating access to state e-services for


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    Latvia gets ready for the GDPR

    Latvian Parliament passes Personal Data Processing Law at first reading. On 12 April 2018, the Latvian Parliament passed the Personal Data Processing Law at first reading. The second – and final – reading is scheduled to take place in the upcoming weeks. With this legislative act the Parliament is


  • Hírlevélre feliratkozás

    A 'Feliratkozás' gomb megnyomásával elfogadja az adatkezelési szabályzatunkat