Știri juridice

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    The German car toll violates European law

    The ECJ has ruled that the planned car toll in Germany discriminates against foreign drivers and violates EU law. On 18 June 2019, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that the planned passenger car toll in Germany violated EU law in response to a complaint by Germany's EU

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    Do you know how to protect your company’s trade secrets?

    Bulgaria: transposition of Directive on protection of trade secrets into national law Trade secrets now enjoy special protection under the newly-adopted Protection of Trade secrets Act (“the Act”) which belatedly transposed the respective EU Directive. The Act provides for effective measures so as to enable trade secret holders

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    Digital pioneer Estonia introduces e-invoices only

    From July 2019 only digital invoices can be sent to the Estonian public sector. As of July 1st 2019, government accounts in Estonia will be fully converted to so-called e-invoices. This means that, from this date, invoices can only be sent to the public sector via a digitally formalized invoice

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    Decriminalization of acts in the economic sphere in Belarus

    Amendments to the Criminal Code mitigating and excluding criminal liability in the economic sphere are in force in Belarus since 19 July 2019 Decriminalization of economic crimes Criminal liability is excluded for violating the procedure for opening accounts outside Belarus, fictitious entrepreneurship, antitrust violation, violating rules on transactions with precious

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    Continuing Latvian saga of the fight against money laundering

    The Latvian government introduces further measures in its fight against money laundering by amending several acts The new government’s so-called “general overhaul” has led to further substantial and institutional changes in Latvian legislation.

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