Știri juridice

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    5 years minimum wage – status quo and outlook

    The minimum wage was introduced in July 2014. Politicians are arguing about the results and possible consequences for the future. Most recently, the minimum wage in Germany was raised from EUR 8.84 to EUR 9.19 at the beginning of 2019. This means that the minimum wage is now EUR

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    Czech meal allowance

    The Czech Ministry of Finance is working on an amendment to the Income Tax Act, which should, inter alia, enable both entrepreneurs and employees to use the tax advantage for meals in a new and simpler way. Meal vouchers are a popular and frequently provided benefit in the Czech Republic.

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    Easier and faster – available ways of employment of non-EU nationals in the Czech Republic

    Obtaining a work and residence permit in the Czech Republic is not always a bed of roses for third-country nationals. This is why various government programmes and projects are being implemented to make the migration process of foreign workers more efficient. If a domestic employer wishes to employ a foreigner

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    Can shareholders pay themselves a dividend for Christmas?

    The case law of the Czech Supreme Court confirms the new rules for the payment of profit share in capital companies. There is no doubt that the main purpose of business is to generate profit. Probably few people set up or become members of a capital company for a purpose

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    Estonian pharmacy market heading towards controversial reform.

    On 1 April 2020, the Medicinal Products Act will impose the requirement of pharmacist owners for all pharmacies. Estonian society and the media are discussing pharmacy reform, as implemented already in 2015, due to be finalized by April 2020. The essence of the reform lies in two main aspects: pharmacy

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