Știri juridice

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    Bulgaria: No obligation for dormant companies to file notice of cessation of activity every year

    This amendment aims to reduce the administrative burden on business and accelerate the processing of documents filed with the Commercial Register and the Non-profit legal entities Register   As of 1 January 2020, companies that have ceased activity need only file a ‘once-only’ notice of cessation

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    Lithuania: Landmark success in transport dispute

    bnt lawyers have established an important legal precedent in a transport dispute before the Lithuanian Supreme Court. We would like to congratulate the successful bnt legal team Vilnius on its victory in a judicial dispute when representing one of the largest transport carriers (logistics companies) in Europe, defending its interests

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    Ultimate Beneficial Owners Register in Poland

    Poland: UBO Register finally up and running, deadlines pending On 13 October 2019 regulations concerning the functioning of the ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) in the Polish legal system came into force. It was the starting date for the ongoing duty and deadline to establish a natural person or natural persons as the

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    Benefits and drawbacks of the 2020 amendment to the Czech General Fiscal Code

    What’s new in the amendment to the Czech General Fiscal Code? More straightforward review procedures, lower default interest, electronic communication with the taxman, among others. The bill for an amendment of the General Fiscal Code, sponsored by the finance ministry, has reached the stage of second reading in the Chamber

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    Czech pre-Christmas news from the world of class actions

    As Christmas is nearing, the topic of class actions and joint proceedings has become a matter of debate both on the national and the European level. You may remember from the May issue of our journal that the Czech lawmaker has been busy preparing a comprehensive set of rules for

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  • Abonare la știri

    Prin tastarea 'Abonare' sunteți de acord cu condițiile noastre de prelucrare a datelor personale