Știri juridice

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    Antivirus C – a quick overview of the new Czech social security premium waiver programme

    On 19 June 2020, the President of the Republic signed an amendment to the Social Insurance Act, which means that mode C of the Antivirus programme entered into force. Providing a waiver of social security premiums for employers with up to 50 employees, the programme aims to support the maintenance

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    How will the amendment to the Civil Code change the Czech residential property market?

    On 1 July 2020, an amendment to the Civil Code will come into force which both property developers and apartment owners are well-advised to give their attention, as it will modify the co-ownership of apartments in significant ways. Other changes affect the right of first refusal of co-owners (which will

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    „Dieselgate”: Federal Court of Justice orders VW to pay damages

    Affected customers can expect VW to pay several thousand euros in compensation. With its leading decision of 25 May 2020, the German Federal Court of Justice found that VW had deliberately misled its customers by mounting an illegal shutdown device for exhaust fumes in certain types of engines. The

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    On the compensation of members of elected bodies of corporations, today and in the light of the amendment to the Czech Corporations Act

    If the position of managing director or (executive or supervisory) board member at a corporation is to be filled with someone who receives compensation for their discharge of duties, then an agreement on performance as a corporate officer must be made. This agreement on performance as a corporate officer must

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    Class action bill on the floor of the Czech House of Deputies

    Since the process for writing the bill into law is still in its nascent stages, this article outlines the basic characteristics of the future act which will introduce class action as a concept into Czech law. We already informed you in the December issue of our bnt JOURNAL that

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