Știri juridice

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    Fraud within a Slovak company

    Slovakia: Practical steps and legal aid with fraud within a company Fraud, bribery, theft, embezzlement, cybercrime, copyright infringement, money laundering, identity theft, and forgery; these all can thrive in your company without your knowledge. A company owner or management usually has only a suspicion

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    Pre-emption right for share deals – company must provide information to municipality

    Germany: Court decides that municipality may request documents to check whether a pre-emption right exists   Under German law, a municipality has a pre-emption right to purchase land under certain conditions. This is intended to give the municipality the opportunity to influence the development of its territory. The municipality

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    Romania: Noi reglementări în ceea ce privește înființarea societăților și schimbarea sediului social

    Noi reguli privind asociatul unic într-o societate cu răspundere limitată, înregistrarea mai multor sedii sociale la aceeași adresă, acordul vecinilor pentru înregistrarea sediului Începând cu 5 iulie 2020, au fost adoptate noi reglementări cu

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    Estonia: even more digital since Corona

    All legal persons can hold all meetings online The Estonian Parliament has passed a new law in response to the corona crisis: all members of deciding bodies of legal persons can now also use their rights online. Since 23rd May 2020 participation is possible at shareholders’

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    May an employee refuse to come back to the office after working from home?

    Poland: Employees refuse to come back to the office after working from home. What can employers do? The anti-COVID-law in Poland allows employers to send employees home, temporarily working from home during the epidemic, even if employees have no teleworking agreement in place. Many firms used this opportunity to ensure

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