Știri juridice

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    Suspended online sales reporting duty to kick in again only as of January 2021

    By way of an amendment to Act No. 137/2020 Coll., the suspension of EET (the online sales reporting system) has been extended until 31 December 2020. This means that reporting to be mandatory as of 1 January 2021 again. By way of an amendment to Act No. 137/2020 Coll.,

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    Remote working for employees extended

    Poland: Workers waited until 5 September 2020 for a regulation allowing them to continue working remotely during the outbreak. Under the Anti-crisis Shield Act, the possibility of assigning an employee to remote work was introduced. This regulation was only temporary and applied until 4 September 2020. The situation is unchanged,

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    The battle for the recognition of European Certificate of Succession (ECS) in the Czech Republic continues successfully.

    Once again European Certificate of Succession (ECS) in the Czech Republic: registration based on a German notarial record and acquisition in good faith based on an ECS are possible. With this article we follow up on the outlook of the article from January 2020, in which we reported on the

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    Land-use agreements as a solution for both the Czech municipalities and developers

    The new Building Act introduces new concepts which have remained outside the limelight – among them the institution of the land-use agreement, which may be expected to play a crucial role for the outcome of future projects … Monday, 24 August 2020 saw the cabinet approval of the bill for

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    Employee loyalty has its rules

    The duty of loyalty toward one’s employer is a fundamental principle of labor law, and a key obligation of employees in connection with their work performance. The Czech Labor Code gives no explicit definition of employees’ duty of loyalty toward the employer. Even so, the topic is widely discussed

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  • Abonare la știri

    Prin tastarea 'Abonare' sunteți de acord cu condițiile noastre de prelucrare a datelor personale