Știri juridice

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    Use of unregistered medicines has been authorised

    The New Regulation of the Ministry of Healthcare establishes the procedure and conditions for use of unregistered medicines as a new treatment method Formation of the regulatory base for the new Law "On circulation of medicines" (hereinafter – “Law”) continues in Belarus. In addition

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    Important set of construction law changes

    Poland: Long-awaited changes to construction law now in force. Recent amendments to construction law introduce important new regulations after a 6-month wait between adoption and coming into force in September. The changes had been

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    Hungarian 10-day quarantine rules amended

    New quarantine rules, published on 27 October 2020, reduce administration and regulate quarantine violation more strictly Under the previous regulation, mandatory official home quarantine for people entering Hungary was to be decided by the administrative authority. However, the frequency of such cases led to an extremely high administrative burden. In

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    Lithuania: Legal action against EU mobility package

    Lithuania brings two cases before the ECJ ‒ the first time Lithuania has taken such a step. As expected (https://www.bnt.eu/en/?option=com_content&view=article&id=3083&catid=219), the Republic of Lithuania has filed two actions against the new EU mobility package with the European Court of Justice (ECJ). At the same time, a request has been

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    Romania: UBO declaration

    The deadline for submitting the declaration on the ultimate beneficial owner („UBO declaration”) has been extended!

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