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    How can a foreign IT company get into the High-Tech Park (HTP) in Belarus?

    bnt attorneys in CEE Minsk office shares its experience about launching the office of a foreign tech company in Minsk and entering the HTP. Engaging Belarus-based software developers is not unheard of among Western technology companies. Many renowned projects such as Viber, MSQRD, World of Tanks,

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    Main changes in Slovak commercial law

    Companies that have neglected compliance can be deleted from the Commercial Register. Changes in the Commercial Register Existing representation restrictions for managing directors, which triggered only internal liability issues, must newly be deleted from the Commercial Register. Deletion of value thresholds or similar restrictions on

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    România: Paşi semnficativi în debirocratizarea mediului de afaceri

    Noua lege simplifică transferul de părţi sociale ale societăţilor cu răspundere limitată şi procesele de înregistrare la Registrul Comerţului Ultimele modificări ale Legii socetăţilor comerciale nr. 31/1990 fundamentate de nevoia stimulării economiei

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    Truck toll in Germany – repayment claims in the millions

    The European Court of Justice has ruled that the calculation of the German truck toll is partly in breach of EU law. The ECJ ruled that the calculation of the German truck toll was probably incorrectly excessive since at least 2007. This decision was preceded by an action

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    Use of unregistered medicines has been authorised

    The New Regulation of the Ministry of Healthcare establishes the procedure and conditions for use of unregistered medicines as a new treatment method Formation of the regulatory base for the new Law "On circulation of medicines" (hereinafter – “Law”) continues in Belarus. In addition

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