Știri juridice

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    Reorganization in case of emergency

    Hungary: Companies in imminent insolvency can start reorganization proceedings at the Metropolitan Court of Justice until 22 May 2021 From 17 April 2021, a new procedural possibility has been opened on a temporary basis until 22 May 2021 to help businesses in financial difficulty to continue operating. The purpose of

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    New obligations for entrepreneurs in the fuel trade market

    Poland: Sejm almost unanimously adopts draft amendment to the energy law. The amendment bill will change the rules on security institutions. Currently the grant of a concession by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE) may be conditional on the applicant delivering property security in order to satisfy third

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    Comprehensive regulation for interim protection in civil proceedings

    Amendments to the Civil Procedure Law expand the availability and scope of interim protection measures in civil law matters Amendments to the Civil Procedure Law entered into force on 20 April 2021, with the

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    Amazon merchants must check images regularly

    Germany: Merchants who sell goods via Amazon must regularly check whether the images displayed correspond to the products.   Amazon's programme algorithm automatically assigns images of a product category to corresponding product offers. This can result in images being assigned to a product that do not display the product

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    Early-warning tools and preventive restructuring mean the threat of insolvency can be detected and defused in time

    Czech law has so far lacked an instrument which would set forth clear and umambiguous rules for out-of-court negotiations between distressed businesses and their creditors. This may change, thanks to the transposition of EU law on the concept of preventive restructuring and the introduction of an early warning system.

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