Știri juridice

  • news

    EU Medical Devices Regulation goes live

    26 May 2021: the final countdown has finished and after a one-year postponement the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) must now be applied. After a short break of relief, manufacturers of medical devices sold in the EU will have to comply with the requirements of the MDR from 26 May

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    Right to vote in the 2021 elections for expatriate Germans and Czechs

    Citizens of Germany and of the Czech Republic who do not reside in their respective countries of birth may still cast their vote at the Bundestag election on 26 September 2021 or the elections to the House of Deputies of Czech Parliament on 5/6 October 2021. Citizens of Germany

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    Germany and the Czech Republic – New rules as the pandemic relents

    The system of rules for entering or leaving the two neighboring countries is turning into a non-negotiable thicket just as the actual pandemic appears to relent its grip. The system of rules for entering or leaving the two neighboring countries is turning into a non-negotiable thicket just as the actual

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    Anonymous land register checks are subjected to legal changes

    In the course of June 2021, the scope of information which is available to users who wish to inspect the cadastral register on an anonymous basis will be curtailed significantly. How to ensure fully access to such information nonetheless? In recent days, the Czech State Administration of Land Surveying

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    Removal of a court-appointed liquidator on grounds other than dereliction of duty

    The Prague High Court has confirmed that a court-appointed liquidator may be removed by the court also for other reasons than their failure to fulfill their duties. In today’s article, we shall take a closer look at a legal opinion voiced by the Prague High Court in a specific

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