Știri juridice

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    Billing foreign business trips for which allowances were paid: watch out for the pitfalls

    Advances paid to employees who are being sent on foreign business trips must always conform to the Labor Code. At the same time, though, the company must account for travel allowances in accordance with the applicable accounting rules and internal policies. Pursuant to Sec. 183 (1) of the Labor

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    „Work–life balance” EU directives will extend paternity leave and increase parental allowance

    EU Member States have an obligation to implement the Work-Life Balance Directive for parents and carers by 2 August 2022. What is the situation like here in the Czech Republic? On 12 June 2019, the Council of the European Union approved a directive on work-life balance for parents and carers

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    Romania: Acordarea tichetelor de masă telesalariaților

    În contextul actual în care munca se desfășoară preponderent în regim de telemuncă, nu de puține ori angajatorii s-au confruntat cu problema dacă telesalariații beneficiază sau nu de tichete de masă pe durata prestării

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    Lithuania: Question on inheritance matter referred to the ECJ

    The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania has referred a question on inheritance law to the ECJ for a preliminary ruling. The case, driven by bnt, could have huge implications for European cross-border inheritance law. The proceedings before the Supreme Administrative Court involve an inheritance case under German law, whereby the

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    New currency regulation and control law in Belarus

    Significant changes to procedure for doing business abroad The new law on currency regulation and control (hereinafter – “the Law”) introduces the definition of “currency agreement”: namely, an agreement (contract) or other document on the basis

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