Știri juridice

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    Innovations in the “Great Stone” Industrial Park

    New business activities and subjects of the special regime, additional benefits for large residents, institutions of “English law”. Presidential Edict No. 215 of 11 June 2021 „On amending presidential edicts” (hereinafter – “Edict”) updates the previous Presidential Edict No. 166 of 12 May 2017 “On improving

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    România: Decizie ICCJ privind scrisoarea de garanție emisă de o instituție de credit

    Scrisoarea de garanție emisă de o instituție de credit – titlu executoriu numai dacă garantează un contract de credit Completul pentru dezlegarea unor chestiuni de drept al Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție s-a pronunțat, la sesizarea Tribunalului

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    Electronic breakthrough in the Polish National Court Register

    Poland: The recent amendment to the National Court Register Act facilitates communication and document exchange with the register courts. From 1 July 2021, the functioning of the National Court Register (PL: Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy) has changed. This is because a long-planned amendment to the National Court Register Act has come

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    Will there be a stronger European Health Union?

    Lessons learned? The EU on its way to a new approach in pharmaceutical regulation. Feedback from CEE countries to the EU Strategy. Many EU initiatives have seen the light of day in recent months to renew EU policy and regulation in the pharmaceutical sector. All of them will form bricks to

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    A new legal institution in Hungarian law: restructuring

    Hungary: Another lifebelt for Hungarian firms on the verge of insolvency A new procedure has been adopted and entered into force on July 1st, 2022 to stabilize the financial situation of companies on the verge of insolvency. This transposed the EU Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency into the

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