Știri juridice

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    Judicial reform in Belarus

    Belarus: From 1 January 2014 ordinary and commercial courts will be merged into a single system of courts of general jurisdiction. From 1 January 2014 ordinary and commercial courts will be merged into a single system of courts of general jurisdiction. On 29 November 2013 the President

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    Legislative changes in 2014

    Major legislative changes for businesses in 2014. Major legislative changes for businesses in 2014. Businesses Significant changes in the law from January 2014 stem from changes to income tax and VAT. A novelty is the so-called tax licence that requires legal persons to pay a minimum tax. Legal persons will

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    Legislative changes in 2014 (2)

    Major legislative changes for businesses in 2014. Major legislative changes for businesses in 2014. Businesses Significant changes in the law from January 2014 stem from changes to income tax and VAT. A novelty is the so-called tax licence that requires legal persons to pay a minimum tax. Legal persons will

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    Regulation of consumer contracts to be better organized

    Lithuania: Changes to the Civil Code. The Parliament has accepted changes to the Civil Code on consumer contracts. These will enter into force on 13 June 2014. The main novelties include: A 14 day term within which a consumer may cancel a distance contract (currently the term is 7

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    Business-friendly tax law changes in Hungary

    Hungary: Smaller but pragmatic changes show signs of consolidated legislation. A new era of legislation in Hungary? Smaller but pragmatic changes show signs of consolidated legislation. A new era of legislation in Hungary? VAT Reverse charge already applied to

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