Știri juridice

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    Personal insolvency a solution for entrepreneurs?

    Czech Republic: Private insolvency - a solution also for certain bankrupt individuals who still carry debt from their former business operations Private insolvency (resulting in partial debt relief) was originally introduced by the Insolvency Act as an option limited to private individuals only.

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    Deadline: 1 March – have you already provided SODRA with the data about the professions of your employees?

    Lithuania: This is a reminder for employers that from 1 November 2013 when informing the Lithuanian Social Security Insurance SODRA about a new employment relationship they must include in the amended 1-SD form information on the new employee's profession according to the Lithuanian classification system

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    Sea change in Czech law

    Czech Republic: The Czech Republic has a new private law as of 1 January 2014 New private-law provisions have come into force as of 1 January 2014, i.e., provisions governing the relations between autonomous parties, be they regular citizens or

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    Costs incurred due to asset replacement with analogical asset do not count as investment project

    Lithuania: The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Supreme Court) has considered a case between the Tax Authority and a Lithuanian company (Company) in which it analyzed whether a Company could reduce taxable gain by costs incurred in an investment project*. The Tax Authority in clarifying the

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    Are VAT restrictions in Lithuania legal?

    Lithuania: The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Supreme Court) has considered a case between the Tax Authority and a Swiss company (Company) in which it analyzed the Company's right to recover input value added tax (VAT) from representative expenses (e.g. seminars and marketing events). The Tax Authority rejected the Company's

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